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Notes from June Meeting with Senator Bob Smith

Senator Bob Smith, former U.S. Senator and candidate for U.S. Senate, visited the Town of Strafford Republican Committee in June.  He is concerned with what has gone on with our nation recently.  He hopes to help get us back on track fiscally, bring down the debt, repeal ACA, and bring back our freedoms that are vanishing.  Senator Smith realizes that his 12 years of service in the Senate will make him effective in general and specifically enable him to step right in to senior slots on committees.  An example of the freedoms infringed locally was when the Gilford dad, who was displeased with what was written in his son’s textbook, read the bad passages aloud and was then led away in cuffs for the vulgarity he was relaying from the textbook  NSA spying, IRS targeting, Common Core, and other Government intrusion into our lives are things that Senator Smith opposes and will seek to stop.  He will lead for lower taxes, respect of the 10th Amendment, respect of the 1st Amendment, respect for the 2nd Amendment, respect for all Amendments, and respect for the Constitution itself.  He finds that Senator Shaheen can be defeated and that Bob’s want for more freedom is the major differing plus.

Senator Smith realizes that entitlements have to be reformed to balance the budget.  Senator Smith is aghast at how the current president is ignoring The Constitution and breaking laws all the time and will seek to block this.  Senator Smith will vigorously work to get Veterans quicker response times with health care.  Senator Smith spoke also of his strong spine and record of keeping to what is right despite peer pressure.  Senator Smith is opposed to Amnesty and advocates for secure borders pronto.  Senator Smith noted that Senator Brown voted with the Democrats 62% of the time when he served.  Examples of this are gun control and Dodd Frank.  Senator Smith noted that he has run races where he spent little money and lost where he spent a lot.  You never know.

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