February Minutes

In February we were joined by Representatives Kurt Wuelper and Mike Harrington, Kerry McMahon School Board member, and Brian Monahan candidate for Selectman.  We were also joined by Seamus Casey, Vice Chair of Strafford County Republicans.  Kerry shared that the withdrawal committee was very well received at the State Board of Education.  While other applicants wound up being grilled for two hours and having to come back another day, Strafford’s application was found thorough, complete, and commendable and was approved in 20 minutes.  Exiting the situation akin to sharing a house and a kitchen and a budget and chores with three families has obvious benefits of simplicity, local control, and lower quantities of time and money.  Brian Monahan shared that he had endeavored to reach out and coordinate with the selectman when he was on the school board.  Brian plans to bring the same wealth of experience he gained while serving in the Air Force with regards to contracts, negotiations, and optimization to the town government that he helped the school with.  Brian did go over some of the details of his time of service with the school and noted that with all school budgets, the citizens have a right to set the bottom line dollar quantity for the school board to manage every year.  There was concern with regards to Article 4 in the upcoming School District Meeting since the % increases are misleading as they are on top of step increases.  Also some other portions of Article 4 are of concern.  One part seen as negative is a proposal to give up our local control to an arbitrator.  Our committee is in favor of voting against article 4.  Please join us on 2nd Tuesdays for a round table discussion from 6:30 to 8:00 at the Hill Library in Strafford.

Tuesday Round Table

The Strafford Town Republican Committee will hold tomorrow night’s, Tuesday the 11th, scheduled Round Table at the Hill Library in Strafford at the typical time of 6:30-8:00 pm.  Vote first in the primaries, then come join us to hear candidate for Straffprd Selectman, Brian Monahan.  Brian served on the Strafford School Board for five years and now  would like to assist with the Town Government.